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Sarlat Le Caneda testing

Sarlat Le Caneda testing

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:15 pm
Author: MajkiFajki
Oh hello again

I noticed, that some of you brave people play my map, Sarlat in CTF. Level is in very early phase, so it looks really bad. But it has some precisely designed layout already, dedicated solely to Capture The Flag for competitive 5v5 gaming.

> Beside gow awful visuals - how the gameplay?
> Do you have fun? If not - why?
> Do you think map is balanced?
> Do you encounter some spawn killing problems?
> Does map offers you enough of potential tactics?

Don't be shy - I can update map on the fly:)

So far what I have collected:

> map is not diversified enough - players tend to get lost for long time until they learn layout (yeah, texturing sucks atm, that will be fixed in next update)
> map is not hot potato friendly - hard to hide with flag
> bases are really open (red team can camp at old truck and torture respawned blue team while blue team can occupy fountain and do the same on red players) - check this pic

Re: Sarlat Le Caneda testing

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:10 pm
Author: Supr3m0 Location: Bologna,Italy
- MajkiFajki

> Beside gow awful visuals - how the gameplay?

good and also quite fast so not annoyng Wink
- MajkiFajki

> Do you have fun? If not - why?

yes Very Happy
- MajkiFajki

> Do you think map is balanced?

I did not notice particular advantages or disadvantages playing both sides,but it seems to me that the red side as soon as you're born you arrive much more quickly to the flag than the blue team
- MajkiFajki

> Do you encounter some spawn killing problems?

has not occurred spawnkill but it seems to me that the respawn red is more exposed than the blue
- MajkiFajki

> Does map offers you enough of potential tactics?

there are on both sides 2 or 3 good roads to go get the flag through the arches and short underpasses...more thoughts to those who defend

I think i can finally say we have another good alternative map where you can play the CTF,the fifth map Queen for CTF after Turnpike Algiers Abbey Tohunga_b8 and Sarlat!
for the rest good job MajkiFajki Wink

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