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General Chat

$0.50 Urban Terror Servers

$0.50 Urban Terror Servers

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:32 pm
Author: Megatron
Hello urban zone members and guests.

My name is Devin. I am the owner of a gameserver company called clanoutpost gameservers. We are currently doing a huge August special. Urban Terror and a bunch of other games are now $.50 a slot! If you put down urban zone as a reference. We will donate 5% of the total server cost to this website at the end if the month. Its our way of saying thank you for advertising for us. For those who want to test out some of our urban terror servers, you can do so here. www.urban-zone.org/ind...12&mid=240


Thank you and have a great day!

Clanoutpost Gameservers

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