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Issues and Ideas

Map Choise

Re: Map Choise

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:52 pm
Author: Zwiebi Location: chair
Well, just my 2 cents, but,

1., Too many rules are annoying for both the teams and the staff, and generally they are not doing much good, as most (new) teams are not reading them or care about them. More rules are harder to enforce and more teams will be burned because of it. But if we try to find a more complicated but otherwise good solution, here is one:

-Maps can be changed freely until 72 hours before the scheduled match, and every team has 1 option per season to change the map in that 72 hour period. (Much like the Challenging option works now.)

2., The other issue is the maplist. I saw SC2 mentioned, but if I'm correct the map choice there is quite limited. Same as in CS, where you have to choose from a 5 map pool in tournaments. (never played them, so I can only rely on my online findings).

In UZ we have 34 allowed map, including ones like Ambush, Commune, Company, Swim (I saw, someone played this on the CTF league - 1 cap in 10 min, 3 in total if I'm correct.), Tombs, Village Classic, Wildwest, and these are just the worst ones. These maps are practically impossible to practice on PCW-s, as 95% of your opponent will just leave if you load up maps like these.
Sure, you can master TS on Maya or on any other map, but maintaining skill on all 34 (and many of them are not that great for competitive gaming) map is quite impossible, so the current rules means this in the real world: please don't be a douche, but if you are, we can't do anything.

So far, I haven't seen many teams abusing the map choice / change option, so I guess this topic is very low priority, but if you want to make the system more abuse proof, than I hope you can find something useful in my comment.

Ps.: I'm not complaining about anything, I was just checking the forum and I saw this topic, so I thought, why shouldn't I waste everyone's time. Smile

Re: Map Choise

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:24 pm
Author: LT.Bernie
How about that:

Map choice should be fixed and shown by scheduler when date and time was agreed (like it is at the moment, right ?).
Map change should be possible by scheduler until match starts, but has to be done by scheduler with auto comment on match page.
If map was changed after agreement by scheduler, this should be punished by one point loss for the team who changed their map in case of draw or victory.
If match was forced by league staff, forced team(s) have to play same map from their last match ("change map option" can be kept in this case)

Above would help a lot for the teams and staff imho.

What do you think ?

Re: Map Choise

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:08 pm
Author: IJustCantAim
I prefer a format where the maps for the season and post-season are all pre-selected.
Week 1 = Turnpike
Week 2 = Casa
Week 3 = Abbey
A map list for TS and one for CTF.

Re: Map Choise

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:15 pm
Author: xandaxs Location: Portugal
No no No No no!!!
Please don't do it liek that..

Go play FTW or CB if you want that...
Allowing teams to choose their own map is essential imo.

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