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[b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league matches

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league mat

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:31 pm
Author: mvt-
- The-spiki
- mvt-
I'm sorry but as I read this topic I couldn't help but wonder: who cares?

Guess your cheats have not yet been discovered.

I must be seeing things...

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league matches

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:35 pm
Author: mvt-
"But what I do not understand completely is how come a uber noob like you, with no skill and experience got from div10 team that dissolved after having members banned for cheating got into div2/div1 team such as h3. Guess your cheats have not yet been discovered."

"mvt/Gaylord, I did not say you cheated "

Pretty much self explanatory.

"You never played with me in any team/clan, no league match or pcw or something like that. You were yet another random player on my servers."

Shit that makes me sad, I meant when I used to join your TS3

"And idk how you can measure your skill with me. You were never better than me. Neither in past, and also not now."

Aiiight too bad I can't prove it, but I still remember your epic skill in circle jumping.

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league mat

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:40 pm
Author: The-spiki Location: Macedonia
OK guys.
Do me a favor.
In order to have this discussion fair, lets have it open only for those who were not playing with cheaters during their career.
That takes mvt/Gaylord, dbik, kbar and others out of this forum topic.

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league mat

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:49 pm
Author: The-spiki Location: Macedonia
mvt, you are correct. I did in fact write that hackusation. Though I edited it out but apparently I haven't...

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league matches

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:01 pm
Author: dKaaz
Stop this useless crap.

The-Spiki. Even though I think mvt's first comment was useless, it gives you no right for you to start lacking respect for him. Watch your mouth. You were always a dick, and looks like you still are. It's only a matter of time until the shit you do to other people start boomeranging back to yourself. Think for a while, and grow up.

mvt, shut up aswell.

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league matches

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:29 pm
Author: Prime
Well i played with a lot of the players you mentioned awhile back, so i will offer my congratulations, it is somewhat amazing that throughout the years many of those players have remained active.

Regardless gg.

Also spiki i was in that same clan in which the cheater played, and i can honestly say i played with him, but in the defense of everyone in there we did not know of his situation, and in most cases the people involved removed them self from the team as soon as they were aware of it.

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league matches

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:27 pm
Author: xesya Location: On the battlefield
It's my very own opinion, but I consider b00bs as one of the last "real" clans in this game. Owning public server, building up their own community, participating in literally all leagues and bringing "noobs" from public servers into the competitive scene, contributes much to this game and community, not speaking of the immense amount of time and effort spent on keeping this all alive. I think that's respect commanding. It's easy to found a clan, but keeping it alive and active all the way through is tough, to say the least.

At this point I can hardly imagine any competition without b00bs and I'm pretty confident to see them around in 2014 even.

Happy New Year also to all other teams, see you in 2013.

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league matches

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:49 pm
Author: skill..? Location: England
- dKaaz
Stop this useless crap.

The-Spiki. Even though I think mvt's first comment was useless, it gives you no right for you to start lacking respect for him. Watch your mouth. You were always a dick, and looks like you still are. It's only a matter of time until the shit you do to other people start boomeranging back to yourself. Think for a while, and grow up.

mvt, shut up aswell.

dkaaz ?

thats what I meant with no manners you are telling spiki to watch his mouth outcomes but in the right next sentence you are calling him names you just don't want to hear or see in a grown up game community. so I give the same thing you told spiki back to you GROW UP and stop being so offensive thx.

Even known I am no full [b00bs] member I am really happy that they exist they are friendly and happy to play with noobs like me and if you want to they actually teach you how to become a skilled urt player Smile I am really happy to be here for the winter-cup. Especially this long playing and still actively playing players :).

Not part of this Subject:

I wanted to thank 7o9 primary-thief benzo Anderson and all the other shout-casting Pros for the last cb/uz season Smile also Thanks to Xesya Kronoz Sailormoon and all the others from the gtv crew :).

Happy new year to everybody


Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league matches

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:25 am
Author: Nebel
- xesya
It's my very own opinion, but I consider b00bs as one of the last "real" clans in this game. Owning public server, building up their own community, participating in literally all leagues and bringing "noobs" from public servers into the competitive scene, contributes much to this game and community, not speaking of the immense amount of time and effort spent on keeping this all alive. I think that's respect commanding. It's easy to found a clan, but keeping it alive and active all the way through is tough, to say the least.

At this point I can hardly imagine any competition without b00bs and I'm pretty confident to see them around in 2014 even.

Happy New Year also to all other teams, see you in 2013.

I hope you'll be back with pirates. So you can add to your matches played there ;-).

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league matches

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:54 am
Author: brejnless Location: Sweden

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league mat

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:12 am
Author: mvt-
- The-spiki
OK guys.
Do me a favor.
In order to have this discussion fair, lets have it open only for those who were not playing with cheaters during their career.
That takes mvt/Gaylord, dbik, kbar and others out of this forum topic.

I'm sorry, but that just doesn't make sense.
So you're saying that I should not be able to express my opinion just because I couldn't tell whether a teammate of mine was cheating?
How would the discussion be fair by removing posts such as mine or dbik's? Please explain it to me.

Also please accept my best wishes for an amazing new year, the-spiki, you earned it with your 270 uz matches Smile

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league mat

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:39 am
Author: dKaaz
- The-spiki
OK guys.
Do me a favor.
In order to have this discussion fair, lets have it open only for those who were not playing with cheaters during their career.
That takes mvt/Gaylord, dbik, kbar and others out of this forum topic.

I just facepalmed all the way from my forehead to the back of my head

And skill..? , I thought you got butthurt after our last conversation. Seems like you found a reason to lick your leader's boots by once again throwing random shit at my face. Great job mate.

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league mat

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:01 am
Author: skill..? Location: England
I am not doing anything else then trying to teach you some manners !

but its kinda useless just forget it can't be bordered to go on like that

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league mat

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:43 am
Author: AlexDenton Location: Rufoli!
Although I had some arguments with a couple of b00bs members, this doesnt drive me to a not objective point of view.

The way b00bs manage their team is an example to be taken into consideration by anyone willing to start a clan, I gotta agree with Xesya. You can say all the random shit about their home map or such, but you cant ignore they were able to reach a very high level. They've got my respect for that.

In defense of Gaylord, it's not always given that if a team mate of yours cheats you MUST be aware or are anyhow responsible. Last cases happened to me in imd showed me that.

I congratz b00bs although spiki is being a bit "selfish" (no offensive meaning, dude) and he's makin a bit of a show... he's right big time, imo.

Re: [b00bs] members heavy weights by number of UZ league matches

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:23 pm
Author: The-spiki Location: Macedonia
Guys, all I did is post how we have a stable team core with same players playing together for years.
It was in no way insulting to the others. I just bragged how great we are, without even single bad word towards anyone else (in the first post)

Many of our members play UrT for 10+ years, and they were playing in competitions 10 years ago.
Most of them stopped competing around 2005 and resurrected in leagues with [b00bs] team few years ago.

Normal season we play with 6+2 players for [b00bs] and about 8 for b00bs-DD.
During Summer and Winter cups, our roster opens space for people "from the servers" and friends. Both old school, new or not so good players.
Half of the "summercup/wintercup" roster are not [b00bs] members, just people who play with us having fun in relaxed environment.

I'm saying, we brought back to scene people who were dominating this game 10 or 5 years ago.
And we also managed to mold into top notch a lot of the talented (and cheat free) "new" players.

Why did this post bring so much negative comments?
It's not much different than similar announcements by other teams.

When ~SG~ is "bragging" about existing 10 years, I congratulate them on that and respect them also fortheir projects such as Powerban etc
Do you guys say to them, hey you guys are not div1, you only play CTF or similar? I hope not.

I personally respect quite a few teams / leaders / players for different reasons. Even people who I had arguments or disputes with.
Especially teams who still survive after long time... who are consistently at the top and didn't had any cheaters.
There are some that did not have high skill match team but contributed to this game in other areas, with their servers, maps, software and whatnot.

As to the tone of my responses to the "haters", get used to it. That's how I roll. Too old to change.


Happy New Year @ everyone

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